Python Django Framework

Install Python

There appears to be a typo in your request, as "Python" is not the correct spelling. Here's how to install Python on different operating systems:


  1. Download the installer: Visit the official Python downloads page at
  2. Choose the latest Python 3 version: It's generally recommended to use the latest stable version of Python 3 (e.g., 3.12.4 at the time of writing).
  3. Double-click the installer: Run the downloaded executable file.
  4. Important step: Add Python to PATH: During installation, make sure to check the option that adds Python to your system path. This allows you to run Python commands from any directory in your command prompt.

download python


  1. Install using Homebrew (recommended):
    • If you don't have Homebrew, install it from
    • Open a terminal and run brew install python.
  2. Using official installer: Alternatively, download the installer from and follow the on-screen instructions.


  1. Use your distribution's package manager: The specific command will vary depending on your distribution (e.g., sudo apt install python3 on Ubuntu/Debian, sudo yum install python3 on Red Hat/CentOS).
  2. Compile from source (advanced): If you need a specific version or prefer compiling, refer to the Python documentation

Verifying Installation:

Once you've completed the installation process, open a terminal or command prompt and type:

python --version

This should display the installed Python version (e.g., Python 3.12.4).

Additional Tips:

  • If you encounter issues during installation, refer to the official Python documentation for troubleshooting steps.
  • Consider using a virtual environment to isolate project dependencies and avoid conflicts. Tools like venv or virtualenv can help you create virtual environments.

I hope this comprehensive guide helps you install Python successfully!

Visual studio code download

Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a free and popular code editor available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Here's how to download it:

Visual studio code download

Official Website:

  1. Visit the official VS Code download page: [download visual studio code ON]
  2. You'll see buttons for each operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux).
  3. Choose the button that corresponds to your system.

Additional Options:

  • Insiders Build: For early adopters who want the latest features (may contain bugs), download the Insiders build from the same page.

Installation Notes:

  • The downloaded file will be an installer for Windows or a compressed archive for macOS/Linux.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions for the installer on Windows.
  • For macOS/Linux, you'll typically extract the archive and run the provided code executable (e.g., code).

That's it! You should now have VS Code installed and ready to use.

 Django is a free and open-source web framework for Python that is designed to encourage rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. In simpler terms, it provides a pre-built structure and tools that help developers create web applications faster and more easily.

Here are some of the key benefits of using Django:

  • Faster development: Django includes many built-in features that developers would otherwise have to write themselves, such as user authentication, database access, and form handling. This saves developers time and effort, allowing them to focus on the unique features of their web application.
  • Clean design: Django promotes a clean and organized approach to web development. This makes it easier for developers to maintain and scale their applications over time.
  • Security: Django has a strong focus on security and helps developers avoid common security mistakes.

Install Dango

There are three main ways to install Django:

Official release: This is the recommended approach for most users. You can install Django using the pip package manager, which is usually included with Python installations. Here's the command to install the latest stable version: Open CMD and type .....

pip install django


  1. Distribution-specific package: If you're using a particular Linux distribution, you might be able to install Django using your distribution's package manager. This can be a convenient option, but it may not always install the latest version of Django.

  2. Development version: This option is for those who want the newest features and are comfortable with the possibility of encountering bugs. To install the development version, you'll need Git installed. Then, you can use the following command:

Before installing Django, make sure you have Python installed on your system. You can check this by opening a terminal and typing python --version. If Python is not installed, you can download it from the official Python website

Creating the Project

  1. Open a terminal: Launch your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Navigate to your desired project directory: Use the cd command to navigate to the location where you want to create your Django project. For example:

    cd my_projects
  3. Create the project: Run the following command, replacing myproject with your desired project name:

    django-admin startproject myproject

django-admin startproject myproject

Create My Project Drive directory

This command creates a new directory named myproject with the following basic structure:

  • myproject (main project directory)
    • (management script)
    • myproject (inner directory containing project settings)
      • (empty file)
      • (main project configuration)
      • (main project URL routing)
    • (configuration for web servers)

Verifying Creation (Optional):

You can list the contents of the myproject directory using the ls command (Linux/macOS) or dir command (Windows) to confirm the project structure.

Next Steps:

  • Activate a virtual environment (recommended): This isolates project dependencies and avoids conflicts. Tools like venv or virtualenv can help you set up a virtual environment. Refer to the Django documentation for details:

  • Start the development server (optional): To run a local development server for testing, navigate to your project directory and run:

    python runserver

This will start the server, usually accessible at in your web browser.

My Django project added Visual Studio Code

I'd be glad to guide you through adding your existing Django project to Visual Studio Code (VS Code):

1. Open VS Code: Launch VS Code on your system.

2. Open the Folder: There are two primary ways to open your Django project in VS Code:

  • Open Folder:

    • Click on the "File" menu (or "Code" menu on the window) and select "Open Folder" (or "Open Workspace" on the window).
    • Navigate to the directory containing your Django project (the one that has the file) in the file selection dialog. Click "Select Folder" (or "Open").
  • Open Recent:

    • If you've recently opened your project folder in VS Code, it might appear in the "Recent Workspaces" list on the Welcome Screen. Click on the project name to open it directly.

My Django project added Visual Studio Code

Select Project Folder

Add the Project folder to my Visual Studio code

Add the Project folder to my Visual Studio code

Run my Django project localhost server

Assuming you've already created your Django project and have it open in Visual Studio Code (VS Code), here's how to run your Django project on a local server:


  • Terminal or CMD: Make sure the integrated terminal in VS Code is open. You can usually access it by going to the "Terminal" menu (or "View" menu on the window) and selecting "Terminal" (or "Integrated Terminal" on the window). Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+(backtick) on Windows/Linux or Cmd+ (backtick) on window.


  1. Navigate to Project Directory (if necessary): If you're not already in your project directory within the terminal, use the cd command to navigate to the root directory of your Django project (the one containing For example:

    cd myproject # Replace "myproject" with your project's name
  2. Run Development Server: Execute the following command to start the Django development server:

    python runserver

    This command will typically start the server by default.

Additional Notes:

  • **Port: **The default port for the development server is 8000. You can specify a different port if needed by adding the port number after the command:

    python runserver

  • Security: Keep in mind that the development server is not intended for production use. It's designed for testing and development purposes and has security vulnerabilities.

  • Accessing Your Project: Once the server starts (usually indicated by messages in the terminal), you can access your Django project in a web browser by going to the following address:  # Or the custom port you specified

    Replace with localhost if it doesn't work. This will open the default Django welcome page, indicating that your project is running successfully.


  • If you encounter issues like the server not starting or the web page not loading, check the terminal for any error messages. These can provide clues about the problem.
  • Make sure you have Django installed (pip install django) and that you're running the command from the correct directory (the one containing

Open Any browser copy link paste any browsers

Run my website

Django Migrations 

Django, migrations are a mechanism to keep your database schema in sync with the models you define in your code. Here's a breakdown of the concept:


  • Propagates changes to models (adding fields, deleting models) into your database.
  • Ensures the database structure reflects your models' definitions.


  1. Making Migrations (makemigrations):

    • Use python makemigrations <app_name> to create a migration file.
    • This file contains the code to modify the database schema based on model changes.
    • You typically run makemigrations after modifying your models.

Open CMD type Command:

python migrate

  1. Applying Migrations (migrate):

    • Use python migrate to apply the changes mentioned in migration files.
    • Django executes necessary SQL statements to update the database schema.
    • It applies migrations in the correct order, ensuring dependencies are met.


  • Maintains database schema consistency with your models.
  • Enables collaboration by allowing team members to apply migrations on their machines.
  • Provides a history of database schema changes.

Additional Commands:

  • showmigrations: Lists all available migrations and their application status.
  • sqlmigrate <app_name> <migration_name>: Shows the raw SQL queries a specific migration would generate.


  • Always run makemigrations before migrate to create migration files for model changes.
  • Version control your migrations for tracking and potential rollbacks.

Django administration

Django administration provides a powerful and convenient way to manage your website's data through a web interface. Here's a comprehensive look at it:

What it is:

  • Django's built-in admin is an automatic interface for managing data defined in your models.
  • It allows authorized users to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on model instances.

How it works:

  1. Enabling the Admin App:

    • Include django.contrib.admin in your INSTALLED_APPS list in
    • This activates the admin app and makes its functionalities available.
  2. Accessing the Admin Panel:

    • By default, the admin interface is accessible at http://localhost:8000/admin/.
    • You'll need to log in with a superuser account (created using createsuperuser).
  3. Admin Interface Features:

    • Model Views: Django automatically creates views to list, edit, add, and delete model instances.
    • Filters and Search: Easily filter and search for specific data based on model fields.
    • User Management: Built-in functionalities for managing users, groups, and permissions.
    • Customization Options: You can customize the admin interface for specific needs (covered later).


  • Fast Data Management: Provides a user-friendly interface to manage website content without writing custom views.
  • Development Efficiency: Saves time during development by offering a quick way to test models and interact with data.
  • Content Management: Enables non-technical users to add, edit, and manage website content through the admin panel (depending on permissions).


  • You can customize the admin interface in several ways:
    • Register additional models to be manageable through the admin.
    • Change the way models are displayed (list view, edit form).
    • Implement custom validation logic for model fields within the admin.

Createsuperuser Django

In Django, the createsuperuser command is used to create a special user account with full administrative privileges. This superuser can then access the Django admin panel and manage various aspects of your website, such as:

  • Adding, editing, and deleting data
  • Creating and managing user accounts
  • Configuring settings
  • Viewing website analytics (if applicable)

Here's a breakdown of using createsuperuser:


  1. Navigate to your Django project's root directory in your terminal.
  2. Run the following command:

python createsuperuser


  • Django will prompt you to enter details for the superuser account:
    • Username: Choose a unique username for your superuser.
    • Email address: Enter a valid email address associated with the account (optional but recommended).
    • Password: Create a strong password and confirm it by typing it twice.


Username (leave blank to use 'root'): myadmin Email address: Password: (*********) Password (again): (*********) Superuser created successfully.

Important Considerations:

  • The superuser account has full control over your Django application's data and settings.
  • Security: It's crucial to choose a strong and unique password for the superuser account to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Production Environment: In a production environment (live website), it's generally recommended to disable creating a superuser through the command after initial setup. You can manage user accounts with elevated privileges through the Django admin panel itself.

Additional Notes:

  • You can optionally specify a username using the -u flag with createsuperuser:

python createsuperuser -u johndoe
  • For situations where you don't want to be prompted for information, use the --noinput flag. However, you'll need to set the username, email, and password as environment variables beforehand (not recommended for security reasons). Refer to the Django documentation for details on this approach.

Login Django administration

Here's how to log in to the Django administration panel:


  1. Django Project Setup: Ensure you have a Django project set up and running.
  2. createsuperuser Account: You need a superuser account with administrative privileges. If you haven't created one yet, use the createsuperuser command as explained earlier.


  1. Admin Panel URL: Open your web browser and navigate to the Django admin panel URL. By default, it's located at http://localhost:8000/admin/. (The port number might differ if you've configured a different port during development.)

  2. Login Credentials: Enter the username and password for your superuser account that you created with createsuperuser.

  3. Login: Click the login button or press Enter.


  • If the credentials are valid, you'll be logged in to the Django administration panel.
  • The admin panel provides an interface to manage your Django application's data, users, and settings.

Additional Tips:

  • Security: Remember, the superuser account has full control over your application. Choose a strong and unique password and avoid using the superuser account for everyday tasks.
  • Custom Login URL: In some cases, the admin panel URL might be different. Check your Django project's file for any custom configuration related to ADMIN_URL.
  • Development Server: If you're using Django's built-in development server (runserver), make sure it's running before attempting to access the admin panel.


Django is a powerful and versatile web framework that's an excellent choice for a wide range of web development projects. Its focus on rapid development, clean design, and security makes it a popular framework for both beginners and experienced developers. However, it's important to consider the learning curve and potential overhead when deciding if Django is the right tool for your specific project.


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